ATM Program in c language | how ATM program work in C language and example in english


Definition of ATM Program in C

The ATM Program in C is written in C programming language which provides an ease to read and comprehend the instructions used. This program for using ATM machine is built on the concept of handling an account individually.

ATM program in C can be defined as actually simple code structure of ATM transaction process to be understood by a user. For implementing this project, we may have to use function but in the meantime for easy coding, we may have to switch cause statement.

From this ATM program in C, we can even use the mini-program for checking the total balance, depositing the amount, and withdrawing the amount from the account definitely since it is not time overwhelming.


The C program executes ATM transaction having three forms of coding syntax:

1. Account balance checking
2. ATM Cash withdrawal
3. Deposition of cash

The process syntax structure includes the following procedures:

  • Initially, we need to adjust or set the ATM pin along with the amount including a few random numbers.
  • Taking ATM pin as the input.
  • If the provided input pin is identical to the adjusted pin, then after that we can perform additional operations.
  • We will implement the switch statement for executing the operations such as checking balance, withdrawal of cash amount, deposition of cash, and so on.
  • Also, using a while loop to resume or terminate the procedure.

👉How ATM program work in C?

The ATM program follows three processes for proper transaction logically that includes cash withdrawing, depositing, and checking balance. This three-program sections are executed using the switch cases in C with initialized variables and functions with conditions. The conditions provide results accurately only if they are satisfied. For example, using the ATM program in C, if the balance in the bank account is sufficient then only the withdrawal process will be proceeded otherwise go for another transaction or check the balance through options. Also, when a user deposits some amount into the account then on executing the code part, the ATM program will show the new balance present in the account. In the third technique, the user can check his/her account balance when the user performs any withdrawal or deposition actions through ATM transaction.

This ATM program using C language performs some strategic features for functioning the ATM Machine which is mentioned below:

  • This C program code is able to show the ATM Transaction.
  • For logging to the ATM Machine, it holds pin verification system.
  • Using this ATM program, a user can also view the balance in the account.
  • This ATM program in C even assists with cash withdrawal.
  • We can also use this ATM machine program for cash deposition.
  • ATM machine enables switch case allowing multiple transaction feature when one transaction is completed otherwise the user may exit which is done by a program to terminate.


Let us view an instance for the ATM program in C by the following process:

We will code for ATM transaction process in C using certain libraries and functions initializing as,

#include <stdio.h> // Defines standard input-output functions that are pre-defined
unsigned long amount=2000, deposition, withdrawal;
int pin, choice, k; // Defining few required variables in the transaction
char transaction ='y';
void main()
while (pin != 2025) // Using while loop to check for the condition on a pin number matching
printf("Type your secret pin number:");
scanf("%d", &pin);
if (pin != 2025) // Checking if the pin number types by the user is matched with the database record or not
printf("Please insert your valid password:\n");
printf("Hello! Welcome to our ATM Service\n");
printf("1. Balance Checking\n");
printf("2. Cash Withdrawal\n");
printf("3.Cash Deposition\n");
printf("4. Exit\n");
printf("Please proceed with your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice)
case 1:
printf("\n The account balance in Rs : %lu ", amount);
case 2:
printf("\n Insert the amount to be withdrawal: ");
scanf("%lu", &withdrawal);
if (withdrawal % 100 != 0)
printf("\n You are requested to insert the amount in multiples of 100");
else if (withdrawal >(amount - 500))
printf("\n You are having an insufficient balance");
amount = amount - withdrawal;
printf("\n\n You can now collect the cash"); // after having a sufficient amount in the account the ATM machine will provide the cash amount.
printf("\n The current balance is%lu", amount);
case 3:
printf("\n Insert the amount to be deposited");
scanf("%lu", &deposition);
amount = amount + deposition;
printf("The balance is %lu", amount); // Displays the new current balance after the cash deposition in the user’s account
case 4:
printf("\n We are thankful to you for USING our ATM services!");
printf("\n You have made an invalid choice"); // Defines that the user have done something wrong with the ATM service options
printf("\n\n\n Would you like to have another ATM transaction?(y/n): \n");
scanf("%c", &transaction);
if (transaction == 'n'|| transaction == 'N')
k = 1;
} while (!k);
printf("\n\n Thank you so much for your time to choose The our ATM services!");
// the ATM program terminates with a thank you note.

When we compile and run the code we will view the result as follows asking to enter the 4 digits pin number as:


ATM Program in C 1

If you type wrong pin number then it will you the output as below:

ATM Program in C 2

After this on typing the pin and clicking on Enter we will proceed towards the options of ATM transactions as shown in the image below:

ATM Program in C 3

On executing the code above in a C compiler, we can get the result as required by selecting the right choices provided. As follows:


output 1

output 2

atm services

This ATM program should be deployed properly in a bank system to get accurate results and perform the real ATM transaction where initially we can check if the program is working effectively or not.


Programming in C is perfect for beginners to code and therefore before proceeding it is essential to gain a few basic codes of C programming.

For creating an ATM machine program using C, we need to implement the four fundamental concepts of each ATM system that exists, it includes cash withdraw, cash deposit, account balance checks, and functionality for another transaction or termination.

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This is a guide to ATM program in C. Here we discuss the Definition, syntax, How ATM program work in C?, examples with code implementation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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